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New partner : ACE - Annemasse Club d'Escrime

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New partner : ACE - Annemasse Club d'Escrime Read more
HEMA club ACE - Annemasse Club d'Escrime from Annemasse 74 has joined the partnership program at FAITS d'ARMES.

New partner : Historiae Vivae

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New partner : Historiae Vivae Read more
HEMA club Historiae Vivae from Treignac has joined the partnership program at FAITS d'ARMES.

New partner : Confraternita de Masnadieri

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New partner : Confraternita de Masnadieri Read more
HEMA club Confraternita de' Masnadieri from Marcon (VE) has joined the partnership program at FAITS d'ARMES.

New partner : Styringheim

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New partner : Styringheim Read more
HEMA club Styringheim from Sweden has joined the partnership program at FAITS d'ARMES.

New partner : Schwert-Greifen Rostock - Verein für historische Kampfkunst e.V.

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New partner : Schwert-Greifen Rostock - Verein für historische Kampfkunst e.V. Read more
HEMA club Schwert-Greifen Rostock - Verein für historische Kampfkunst e.V. from 18055 Rostock, Germany has joined the partnership program at FAITS d'ARMES.
Showing 16 to 21 of 152 (4 Pages)

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